Last week Gordon and I had the privilege of pootling up the west coast of Scotland in this gentle vintage campervan called Campbell, sans enfants! It was a dream of ours and delightful in so many ways. We were forced to drive slowly as Campbell's engine couldn't go much over 45mph, so many drivers smiled and waved as we went past AND we got to take in the best of the Highland's vistas through his fabulous front window. However, it wasn't without challenge. Travelling in a campervan required more physical activity than we are used to - like shifting bags around to make room for beds and heaving the heavy roof up and down. Even turning the steering wheel was a mammoth effort at first (no power steering!). The weather, especially in Skye, was wild so we were often wet with nowhere to dry off. In essence, we had let go of many of our home comforts and had to learn a new way of being with each other. There was no space to roll out my yoga mat but there was grass to stand on and skies to reach up to. There were many deep breaths when the heavens opened (again!) and when I banged my head above the bed (again!). What I am getting at here is this is where our practice bears fruit, in our daily life. Our diligent, regular practice of moving gently on the mat to release tension, of sitting in meditation befriending our minds, of walking mindfully in nature all strengthen our capacity to respond with care & kindness in the moment...when it is most needed. I'm not saying that it always happened that way on our trip but in the main I was able to greet each new day as another incredible adventure which is what it always was. As for Gordon & I, well without the stresses and strains of work and parenting, we had such a laugh together and remembered why we got together in the first place. What more could you want!
Here's to the next road trip, maybe in Campbell or maybe not, and to letting go of our formal practice at times allowing it to bare fruit in our daily lives.
Class begin again Mon 23rd August! Hope to see you then.
Om shanti, Orla x